Lost in Space” continues to be a show about leveraging expectations. Season 2 of Netflix’s visually astounding sci-fi series has a lot of heart and plenty of breathtaking vistas, but for all its galaxy-spanning potential, it also plays things frustratingly safe. Like last year’s Season 1, the sheer predictability means that its appeal will be mostly limited to younger audiences and sci-fi diehards, but for those who fit either of those categories, “Lost in Space” is still consistently enjoyable light entertainment.Lost in Space Season 1-3 Download.
Thankfully, what has changed from Season 1 is largely for the better, though it takes a few episodes for the latest season to hit its stride. The first two episodes of Season 2 take place in a dull ocean world and echo most of the issues, such as the tiresome back-and-fourths and bafflingly avoidable danger, that hampered Season 1, but things pick up once the Robinsons reunite with the Resolute’s crew. Netflix’s reimagining of the 1965 sci-fi series is still all about problem solving, and the frequently outrageous scenarios the Robinson family finds themselves in are more varied and engaging this go-around. The goals are simple enough: Get to Alpha Centauri and find Will’s Robot friend, but the stronger focus on the Robinsons working with and against the Resolute’s crew and passengers, is more engaging than the ludicrous scenarios the family often put themselves into in the prior season.
It’s just a shame that there isn’t much to say about the Robinsons themselves. Each of the Robinsons had their own arc in Season 1, but the latest season doesn’t do much to expand on those characters. The standouts are Will (Max Jenkins), whose search for his Robot friend gets a resolution and Judy (Taylor Russell), who gradually becomes more of a leader, but they’re the exceptions to the rule.Penny (Minda Sundwall) is given precious little to do outside of acting as a foil for the villainous Dr. Smith (Parker Posey), and Robinson parents Maureen (Molly Parker) and John (Toby Stephens) mostly just react to the situations happening around them.