In a Lego universe populated by anthropomorphic minifigures, the wizard Vitruvius attempts to protect a superweapon called the “Kragle” from the evil Lord Business. He fails to do so, but prophesies that a person called “the Special” will find the Piece of Resistance capable of stopping the Kragle. Lord Business then kicks Vitruvius off of a cliff while saying the prophecy was fake.The Lego Movie 2014 Movie Download.
8 and a half years later, a construction worker named Emmet Brickowski comes across a woman named Wyldstyle, who is searching for something after hours at Emmet’s construction site. When he investigates, Emmet falls into a pit and finds the Piece of Resistance. Compelled to touch it, Emmet experiences vivid visions and passes out. He awakens with the Piece of Resistance attached to his back in the custody of Bad Cop, Business’s lieutenant. Emmet learns of Business’s plans to freeze the world with the Kragle, a tube of Krazy Glue with the label partially rubbed out; the Piece of Resistance is the tube’s cap. Wyldstyle rescues Emmet, believing him to be the Special. They escape from Bad Cop and travel to the Western world where they meet up with a blind Vitruvius. Emmet learns that he and Wyldstyle are Master Builders—people capable of building anything they need without instruction manuals—who oppose Business’s attempts to suppress their creativity. Though disappointed to find Emmet is not a Master Builder, Wyldstyle and Vitruvius are convinced of his potential when he recalls visions of a human named “the Man Upstairs”.
Emmet, Wyldstyle, and Vitruvius evade Bad Cop’s forces with the aid of Batman. They escape to Cloud Cooko Land, where all the master builders have been in hiding, and attend a council of the Master Builders, who are unimpressed with Emmet‘s cowardliness and refuse to help him fight Business. Bad Cop’s forces attack and capture everyone except for Emmet and his friends. After being rescued from drowning by pirate Metal-beard, Emmet devises a team plan to infiltrate Business’s headquarters and disarm the Kragle.
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