Ellen, a former violinist, is cared for daily by Clayton. Under Clayton’s guidance, she starts to get adjusted to life without sight. She starts to point out oddities in her apartment, such as a window that she cannot hear outside noise from and repeating car alarms at 11:02 a.m. Clayton reassures her that it is all normal and even brings home a pet bird for her which she initially perceives to be green, but is actually light blue. One night, she hears a woman’s distressed voice. She initially perceives the woman to be in her apartment, but realizes that the noise is coming through the vent. The following day, she decides to invite her neighbor for tea and leaves a sticky note on her neighbor’s door.Sightless full Movie Download.
The neighbor shows up and reveals herself to be Lana. Ellen grows more suspicious of Lana and her husband and accuses Lana of lying to her when Lana claims she is 48. When Ellen touches Lana’s face she feels a wound with stiches and is alarmed. Lana reacts by warning her to trust no one and rushes out of Ellen’s apartment upon the arrival of her abusive husband in the elevator. Ellen, worried, contacts Detective Bryce, who sends Officer Neiman to check in on her neighbor. Bryce reports back that Lana has a history of illness, she doesn’t have stiches, and her real age is 48.
Ellen expresses her perceptions and doubts to Clayton, who starts to show a romantic interest in Ellen. Later that day, when Ellen is alone in her apartment, she hears the elevator ding and approaches who she perceives in Lana. After the person does not respond to Lana, she believes it is the husband so she quickly retreats back into her apartment. The husband appears in her doorway and accuses her of being a paranoid bitch.