Jackie Brown, a flight attendant, smuggles money from Mexico into the United States for Ordell Robbie, a gun runner in Los Angeles. When his courier, Beaumont Livingston, is arrested, Robbie bails him out with bail bondsman Max Cherry, then executes Livingston later that evening, fearing that Livingston would turn informant.Jackie Brown 1997 Movie Download.
Acting on information Livingston gave them, ATF agent Ray Nicolette and LAPD detective Mark Dargus intercept Brown with Robbie’s cash and a bag of cocaine, which she is unaware was intended for Melanie Ralston. She is sent to jail, which alerts Robbie. Having been paid by Robbie, Cherry bails out Brown. Robbie arrives at Brown’s apartment shortly thereafter to kill her, and after she pulls a gun on him, it is revealed she stole a gun from Cherry’s glovebox. She negotiates a deal with Robbie whereby she pretends to help the authorities while smuggling in $550,000 of his money.Robbie brings in Louis Gara, a criminal associate and former cellmate, just released from prison. Meanwhile, Melanie Ralston, Robbie’s surfer-girl, attempts to convince Gara to betray Robbie and take the money for themselves. Gara informs Robbie about this but Robbie replies that he is not concerned about her.Jackie Brown 1997 Movie Download.
Unaware of the plan to smuggle in $550,000, Nicolette and Dargus devise a sting to catch Robbie during a transfer of $50,000. Unbeknownst to all, Brown plans to keep the $500,000 for herself. She recruits Cherry, offering him a cut. During the test run Brown, with Nicolette and Dargus aware, smuggles in $10,000 to swap with Sheronda at a Shopping Mall. After Brown leaves, Cherry observes an unknown woman swap bags with Sheronda. He informs Brown and she confronts Robbie, who states he used Simone Hawkins to secure his money as backup.