The film is a comedy revolving around Kartik Aaryan’s character, who is living with fake girlfriend Anaya (Kriti Kharbanda) when Paresh Rawal and his wife (Tanvi Azmi) barge into his home as guests, setting off a laugh-riot.[3]
Aryan Shergill and Anaya agree to do a fake marriage so that Aryan gets U.K. citizenship. For this, he pays 7000 pounds to Anaya. But at this time some uninvited guest from India come to stay with Aryan for a few days which wreaks havoc in his life. On their marriage night a drunk Aryan tells Anaya that he is in love with her. After a few days Anaya tells him that she loves him too and things start going a little smooth.Aryan and Anaya try to find them but are unable to. They then go to the attack site where they apologize and take them home. In a mid credit scene they see that Chacha and Chachi have returned because Anaya is pregnant with twins and are planning to stay for a long time. Guest iin London 2017 full
Things start going well but then one day Chachaji causes an accident in Aryan’s office and wants to apologise to Aryan’s boss but is unable to do so. While trying to apologise he stops Aryan’s boss from molesting his secretary which causes Aryan to lose his job. After this the simplicity of the guest causes problems for Anaya and Aryan. One day they find out some documents related to Al-Qaeda (terrorists) in Chachaji’s bag. Aryan then takes them to a restaurant with their luggage and leaves them alone. Upon returning, he finds out that they were actually in London to collect their sons belongings, who died in the 9/11 World Trade Center attack.
Aryan and Anaya try to find them but are unable to. They then go to the attack site where they apologize and take them home. In a mid credit scene they see that Chacha and Chachi have returned because Anaya is pregnant with twins and are planning to stay for a long time.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added |
Download | HD 1080p(DB) | Hindi | 3.3gb | 348 | 4 years |
Download | HD 1080p | Hindi | 3.3gb | 340 | 4 years |
Download | HD 720p(DB) | Hindi | 1.05gb | 317 | 4 years |
Download | HD 720p(Direct) | Hindi | 1.05gb | 306 | 4 years |
Download | HD 720p | Hindi | 1.05gb | 353 | 4 years |
Download | SD 480p(DB) | Hindi | 340mb | 268 | 4 years |
Download | SD 480p(Direct) | Hindi | 340mb | 278 | 4 years |
Download | SD 480p | Hindi | 340mb | 328 | 4 years |