“Deva” is a 2025 Indian Hindi-language action thriller directed by Rosshan Andrrews. The film stars Shahid Kapoor as Dev, a determined and rebellious police officer assigned to investigate a high-profile and mysterious murder case. As he digs deeper into the case, he uncovers shocking secrets that put his life and career at risk. Alongside him is Diya, a fearless journalist and his love interest, played by Pooja Hegde, who aids him in unraveling the truth.Deva 2025 Movie Download.
As Dev navigates a web of deception, corruption, and betrayal, he must also confront personal demons and professional challenges. His brother-in-law, Farhan, the Deputy Commissioner of Police, played by Pavail Gulati, becomes a crucial ally in the mission. However, as the case unfolds, Dev realizes that the conspiracy runs deeper than he ever imagined, involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to keep their secrets buried. With each step, the dangers escalate, leading to intense action sequences and unexpected twists.
Packed with thrilling action, emotional depth, and a gripping narrative, “Deva” promises to be a high-stakes crime drama that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. With its mix of suspense, romance, and adrenaline-fueled sequences, the film explores themes of justice, morality, and the price of truth. Scheduled for a theatrical release on January 31, 2025, “Deva” is expected to deliver an engaging and action-packed cinematic experience.