The Superintendent of Police Amit Kumar takes charge of Tejpur, which has a high crime rate. In the district, the police are controlled by the don Sadhu Yadav and his son Sunder. While travelling to the headquarters, Amit’s car breaks down and he inspects the area. He observes professional laxity among police officials, crumbling infrastructure, outdated weaponry, lack of stationery and transport, and the dependence of officials on corrupt local contractors.Gangaajal 2003 full Movie Download.
Inspector Bachcha Yadav, a stooge of Sadhu, visits Sadhu’s hideout and sees the infamous local goon Nunwa. Nunwa has killed an officer in Bachcha’s department after a heated argument. Yadav kills Nunwa, fearing arresting him would expose the connection between Nunwa and the Tejpur police, and tells the public he was killed in an encounter. Amit later realises Nunwa was killed because of his relationship with Sadhu and suspends Bachcha from duty as a punishment. Anxious he would be transferred from Tejpur, Bachcha visits Sadhu’s home to seek his help but learns Sadhu has abandoned him.
Amit takes notice of the incident and finds Sunder has kidnapped a missing young woman. Amit persuades the woman’s mother, who is hesitant to do so, to file a complaint with the police. Sensing an opportunity, Bachcha urges Amit to give him a chance. Bachcha lures Sunder into a factory where Amit and his men are waiting. After a brief scuffle, Sunder is arrested and produced in a local court. The woman’s mother refuses to testify against Sunder after the Deputy Inspector General of Police Verma, who is loyal to Sadhu, threatens her into withdrawing her complaint. The judge acquits Sunder because of a lack of evidenceSadhu’s men try to vandalise the shop of a pan vendor who testified against Sunder before Amit destroys it. At the jail, when Amit goes home, Sunder fights with Bachcha and his colleagues. Bachcha throws acid into Sunder’s eyes, an act that is locally referred to as gangaajal. The incident leads to controversy and the police are accused of vigilante justice.
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