Dave, a dealer for Guitar Hero, and Ronnie, a stay-at-home mom, are a typical couple raising two young children in the suburbs of Chicago. They experience various stresses including redecorating their house and raising their kids. Joey and Lucy are high school sweethearts with a smart but naive teenage daughter named Lacey. Their relationship is on the rocks and they are even considering a divorce once Lacey goes off to college. Jason and Cynthia are a neurotic couple who’ve experienced multiple failed attempts to conceive, and Shane, recently separated (but not legally and officially divorced), has a much younger girlfriend, Trudy.Couples Retreat 2009 Movie Download.
At Dave’s son’s birthday party, Jason and Cynthia, using a PowerPoint presentation, announce their troubled marriage and are considering divorce as they cannot have a baby. As a last-ditch effort, they have found a couples therapy resort named Eden. A deal called the Pelican Package is half the normal cost if they can get three other couples to join them. In their presentation, they show photos of sunlit beaches and beautiful locations. They assure the others that the couples therapy is purely optional.
Dave and Ronnie insist they can’t go because of their children, declining the trip. In the middle of the night, Jason sets off their alarm to try to sell the idea of the retreat. The commotion wakes the kids, who overheard their parents’ conversations of not being able to go because of them. Fearing their parents are contemplating divorce, the kids have already arranged for Dave’s father, Grandpa Jim-Jim to babysit so their parents can go to Eden.The retreat proves to be divided into Eden West and Eden East. West is for couples and uses the tagline “Stay Together”.