The story is set in the town of Gurgaon, an industrial city near NCT Delhi. The film is presented from the view of ACP Arya Phogat (Prithviraj Sukumaran). Arya, a police officer, has been brought up by his uncle, DCP Ravikant Phogat (Rishi Kapoor). His father, police inspector Vijaykant Phogat (Anupam Kher), had lost interest in life years back, after messing up an operation to kill Yashvardhan Singh (Jackie Shroff), due to lack of evidence against him. Yashvardhan’s wife, Veera (Tanvi Azmi), had become a police informer against her own husband and had to run away from him with one of her twin children Vishal (Arjun Kapoor) while Ajay is left with Yashvardhan.Aurangzeb 2013 full Movie Download.
Vijaykant hides Vishal and Veera – whom he has begun to love – and passes it off as a botched encounter for which he takes the entire blame. Suspended from the police force, Vijaykant has a tough time over the years, caught between the love for his real family and son ACP Arya, and his adopted wife and son. Years later, just before he dies, he reveals to Arya that he has another wife and kid but doesn’t reveal their real identity. Vijaykant dies a few days later, and Arya goes to meet Veera. There he is shocked to see Vishal, who is the exact replica of Ajay (Arjun Kapoor), and there is a revelation that both lookalikes are actually twins.
Ravikant, who is corrupt to the core, hatches a plot to expose the criminal activities of Yashvardhan, a mission left incomplete by his brother Vijaykant. He joins forces with nephew Arya and convinces Vishal to enter Yashvardhan’s house, posing as Ajay. To facilitate matters, Ajay is kidnapped by Ravikant and Arya and held captive by them, paving the way for Vishal to take his place and leak information about Yashvardhan’s illegal activities to the police. Vishal has to pose as Ajay not just in front of his own father, Yashvardhan, but also in front of Neena Wadhwa (Amrita Singh), Yashvardhan’s paramour and business partner, while also having to feign an affair with his twin brother’s girlfriend, Ritu (Zara Khan). As days pass, Vishal falls in love with Ritu.
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Download | Watch Online | Hindi | All Size | 261 | 3 years |
Download | SD 480p(DB) | Hindi | 400MB | 285 | 3 years |
Download | SD 480p | Hindi | 400MB | 304 | 3 years |
Download | HD 720p(DB) | Hindi | 1.2GB | 327 | 3 years |
Download | HD 720p | Hindi | 1.2GB | 365 | 3 years |
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Download | HD 1080p | Hindi | 4.0GB | 281 | 3 years |