Pataligunjer Putul Khela is a Bengali psychological thriller that delves into the eerie and mysterious happenings in the quaint village of Pataligunj. The story revolves around a reclusive puppeteer, Subimal, who returns to his ancestral home in the village after decades of living in isolation. He brings with him an intricate collection of life-sized puppets that bear an unsettling resemblance to the people in the village.Subimal’s arrival sparks curiosity and unease among the villagers, who begin to notice strange occurrences tied to his puppets. As his shows grow in popularity, secrets buried in the village’s past begin to unravel. The puppets seem to act out scenes from real-life events, exposing hidden truths and long-forgotten scandals that shake the community.Pataligunjer Putul Khela 2025 Movie Download.
Tensions escalate when a series of unexplained deaths occur, with each victim’s puppet mysteriously appearing in Subimal’s collection. The villagers become increasingly suspicious of Subimal, accusing him of witchcraft and dark intentions. A young journalist, Anwesha, arrives in Pataligunj to investigate the events, determined to uncover the connection between Subimal, his puppets, and the dark history of the village.
As Anwesha digs deeper, she discovers a haunting tale of betrayal, revenge, and a tragic love story that binds Subimal to the village’s dark legacy. The climax reveals a shocking twist, where the puppeteer’s motivations and the true nature of the puppets come to light, leaving the audience questioning the boundaries between art, obsession, and the supernatural.Pataligunjer Putul Khela combines suspense, psychological depth, and elements of folklore to create a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on edge until the final frame.