840 is a gripping Bangladeshi crime thriller series that unravels the dark underbelly of the city through the lives of a group of misfits whose paths cross due to an unexpected crime. The series begins with a mysterious robbery gone wrong, leading to the death of a prominent businessman. As the police investigate the crime, Detective Arif, a seasoned investigator with a troubled past, is assigned to uncover the truth.Parallelly, the series delves into the lives of four individuals—Tanim, a struggling small-time criminal; Nira, a bold journalist determined to expose corruption; Apu, an IT expert forced into hacking; and Shabnam, a single mother with a dark secret. Each character becomes entangled in the aftermath of the robbery, either as suspects, witnesses, or unwilling accomplices.840 Bangla Series Complete Watch.
As Arif digs deeper, he uncovers a sinister nexus of power involving politicians, law enforcement, and underground criminals operating a massive illegal network. The number “840” emerges as a cryptic clue tied to the case, symbolizing an account or transaction key that holds the secrets of a larger conspiracy.The series masterfully intertwines personal struggles, moral dilemmas, and societal critiques, reflecting the stark realities of greed, ambition, and survival in modern Bangladesh. Each episode builds suspense, with unexpected twists that keep viewers guessing until the final revelation.
In the climax, the truth behind “840” shocks everyone, forcing the characters to face the consequences of their actions. As Arif confronts his own demons, the series leaves a poignant message about justice, redemption, and the price of uncovering the truth in a morally complex world. 840 is a thought-provoking series blending crime, drama, and social commentary, offering a thrilling yet reflective narrative.