Tonikaku Kawaii (TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You) delivered just what you’d expect from such a title especially with the added hint the English title provides! If you take nothing else away from it, this anime is CUTE. Of course, the enigmatic girl Tsukasa is cute but even her know-it-all husband is cute. And they are so cute together doing the most basic of things from shopping to planning a trip. But just like their relationship, there’s more to TONIKAWA than just being adorable!TONIKAWA revolves around Tsukasa, a beautiful girl with homemaking skills and mysterious origins, and Nasa, the somewhat detached yet good-hearted genius.TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You Season 1 Download.
They both have friends/family who offer support and pose a threat to the new couple. The Arisugawa sisters are indebted to Nasa with the younger Kaname constantly embarrassing and teasing him and older Aya silently pining for his affections. Chitose is the ‘younger sister’/self-proclaimed only-viable-romantic-option for Tsukasa who finds herself constantly ignored by her onee-sama. Her two maids Charlotte and Aurora mostly help Chitose with her schemes while providing comic relief contrasting Charlotte’s boldness with Aurora’s reserved manner.Tsukasa and Nasa are mostly just a sweet, happy-go-lucky couple peacefully enjoying life while Kaname and Chitose stir up trouble and force them through difficult situations. At least Kaname just likes to embarrass her senpai and has his best intentions at heart. Chitose just wants to prove that Nasa isn’t good enough to be Tsukasa’s husband but her plans often blow up spectacularly in her face.
It would seem to be set in normal modern-day Tokyo in a regular neighborhood with perhaps odd-ball but normal human characters. We do know with various hints throughout the anime that Tsukasa is not a normal human. She has some important tie with the moon that goes beyond a mere fascination and it seems almost fated her husband would end up being someone named after NASA.Fly Me to the Moon.