![Star Wars: The Bad Batch [Season 2]](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/WjQmEWFrOf98nT5aEfUfVYz9N2.jpg)
The Batman: The Complete Series follows 20-something-year-old Bruce Wayne’s early adventures as he balances his daytime persona as a bachelor billionaire with his nighttime guise as a caped crimefighter. Along the way, Batman is joined by allies Robin and Batgirl as they combat Gotham City’s Rogues’ Gallery, including updated versions of his familiar foes as well as a bevy of rarely seen villains like Killer Moth and The Everywhere Man. Join one of the most complex and intriguing character in comic book history for action-packed super heroic adventures that test the limits of this legendary character’s extraordinary physical prowess and super-sleuthing skills.The Batman Season 1-5 Download.
Batman: The Animated Series has long loomed as arguably the definitive Batman for generations and in the conversation of greatest adaptation of all time. One of the things it has a staple on is the realm of the caped crusader in animation. So much so, that it has kind of overshadowed some of the shows that came after its run in the 1990s. Case in point, the mid-2000s show, The Batman, which was a perfectly swell show that did its own thing with the young years of Batman. It even carried some fearless, interesting takes on some of the familiar villains and happenings in Gotham City.
It also wound up racking in a lot of Emmys during its run, which sort of makes you do a double take in realizing that people should probably talk about this version more often than just noting it was the first animation after The Animated Series.In its own right, The Batman is a very well done depiction of the Dark Knight that ran concurrent with the Nolan era of films. Perhaps the worst thing to happen to it was perhaps being touted as “kiddie” and overshadowed by the other Batman things going on at the time. As mentioned, Christopher Nolan’s films were launching at this time and it was following the highly heralded Batman.