Shafted is a French comedy-drama series that premiered on Netflix on January 24, 2025. Created by Noémie Saglio, the show is an adaptation of the Spanish series Alpha Males. Set in modern-day Paris, it follows four long-time friends—Cédric, Tom, Jérémie, and Tonio—as they navigate the challenges of love, career, and masculinity in an ever-evolving world. As they struggle to keep up with societal changes and modern relationships, their traditional views and personal insecurities are constantly put to the test by the strong, independent women around them. The series humorously explores how middle-aged men deal with shifting gender dynamics and changing perceptions of masculinity, often leading to comedic yet heartfelt moments of self-discovery and growth.Shafted Season 1 Download.
With its mix of humor and poignant social commentary, Shafted provides an insightful look into modern relationships, questioning long-held beliefs about men’s roles in society. The characters, each facing their unique struggles, must learn to adapt or risk being left behind in a rapidly progressing world. The cast includes Manu Payet as Cédric, Guillaume Labbé as Tonio, Vincent Heneine as Jérémie, and Antoine Gouy as Tom, alongside Mélanie Bernier and Olga Kurylenko in significant roles. Their performances bring depth and authenticity to the series, making it relatable and engaging for viewers of all backgrounds.
The show’s themes touch on friendship, identity, and societal expectations, resonating with audiences who have experienced similar dilemmas in their own lives. The six-episode series blends lighthearted moments with deeper reflections, making it an entertaining yet thought-provoking watch. All episodes of Shafted are available for streaming on Netflix, offering viewers a humorous yet insightful take on the complexities of modern masculinity and relationships.