One Piece is an American fantasy adventure streaming television series developed by Matt Owens and Steven Maeda for Netflix. The series is a live action adaptation of the ongoing 1997 Japanese manga series of the same name by Eiichiro Oda. It is produced by Kaji Productions, Tomorrow Studios and Shueisha (who also publish the manga). The series features an ensemble cast including Iñaki Godoy, Mackenyu, Emily Rudd, Jacob Romero Gibson, and Taz Skylar.
The series premiered on August 31, 2023.[1]The series follows the adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates, as they explore the dangerous oceans, lands and beyond in search of the “One Piece”, a fabled treasure that will make their captain, Monkey D. Luffy, “King of the Pirates”. But the Navy is on their ship’s tail and they are not the only crew searching for the One Piece. Armed with skills and unbreakable friendship, the Straw Hats are ready for the journey and even more ready to fight for their dreams together.[2][3]ONE PIECE Season 1 Download
In July 2017, Weekly Shōnen Jump editor-in-chief Hiroyuki Nakano announced that Tomorrow Studios (a partnership between Marty Adelstein and ITV Studios) and Shueisha would commence production of an American live-action television adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece manga series as part of the series’ 20th anniversary celebrations.[11][12][13] Oda will serve as executive producer for the series alongside Tomorrow Studios CEO Adelstein and Becky Clements.[12] The series will reportedly begin with the East Blue saga.[14] Adelstein also said the production cost could set new records.[15]In January 2020, Oda revealed that Netflix ordered a first season consisting of ten episodes.[16] In May 2020, producer Marty Adelstein revealed during an interview with Syfy Wire, that the series was originally set to begin filming in Cape Town at Cape Town Film Studios sometime around August, but has since been delayed to around September due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He also revealed that, during the same interview, all ten scripts had been written for the series and they were set to begin casting sometime in June.[17] However, executive producer and writer Matt Owens stated in September 2020 that casting had not yet commenced.[18][19][20]In March 2021, production started up again with showrunner Steven Maeda revealing that the series codename is Project Roger.