The episodic saga begins with Roshni and Sidharth ( Nia Sharma and Ravi Dubey) enjoying some quality time in their bedroom as they have started living together in DD’s (Achint Kaur) mansion. While Roshni is elated to have Sid around her all the time, she is also concerned as he often disappears without informing her. A flashback is shown where Sidharth and Pritam are working on collecting information about DD. As the first season ended on a cliffhanger with DD meeting someone in Mumbai, it gets revealed that it’s her son Ajit Patel who she has declared dead to protect him from being a murder convict. The second season revolves around DD’s son Ajit Patel as Sid’s determination to find him and seek revenge for his sister’s murder.Jamai 2.0 Season 1-2 Download.
While we all thought we would witness more romance between #SidNi, Jamai 2.0 Season 2 takes an unpredictable turn with Roshni knowing about Sid’s conflict with her brother. She takes a decision to spy on Sid while Pritam finds out that DD is keeping Ajit Patel in Paris. With every episode, there is a new mystery that unfolds. However, Anna, Sid’s biggest supporter dies a mysterious death after a woman kills him ( told you there is more to this story).
As the narrative moves forward towards finding out where Ajit Patel is, there is a crucial plot point that develops a connection between these characters. The viewers will find themselves joining pieces of a puzzle to learn why Sid is seeking revenge from DD while also discussing Roshni’s emotional journey. She goes on an emotional roller coaster ride realising that she’ll have to choose between #LoveOrFamily.
As the mysterious tale progresses further, one fine day Abeer (Vin Rana) makes an entry into DD’s mansion. He is a foreign investor who takes interest in DD’s business and also in her daughter, Roshni. The show takes a shift towards the theme of a love triangle but wait!