At the turn of the century, Dawson’s Creek established itself as a great and controversial teen drama, tackling everything from virginity stigmas to affairs with school faculty members in the pilot alone. A Sunday morning staple of the late 90s and early 00s, it was a mix between 90210 and Party Of Five, and delivered unto us a pre-Oscar nominated Michelle Williams, godfather of memes James Van Der Beek and a young Katie Holmes, all while consistently raising the question of whether or not men and women can just be friends. It was sensationalist and overly dramatic, but you grew up assuming at some point your own life would begin to mimic such over-the-top fiction. (It never did.)Dawson’s Creek Season 1-6 Download.
My relationship with Dawson’s Creek is a complicated one. From 1998 to 2003, I watched Dawson Leery navel-gaze in cargo shorts and wondered how he managed to have friends, let alone date his best one. I championed Joey-and-Pacey, mourned Abby, and wondered which writer pitched Mitch Leery’s death-by-dropped-ice-cream cone. And, like you, I’d ask myself: “Why am I still watching this?”But while delivering everything from undercover sting operations and student-teacher affairs to a fresh-faced Seth Rogen, the show never truly lost its way until Downtown Crossing, AKA “The One Where Joey Gets Mugged”.
The season five episode saw Joey held at gunpoint at an ATM in a snowstorm before her attacker gets hit by a car. But instead of calling the police, she gets him to a hospital, because he reminds her of her own dad. Joey then leaves the hospital surer of herself (albeit also arguably emotionally traumatised), and the incident is never mentioned again. Seriously: in the next episode, the girl can’t get a word in edgeways when a guy she liked breaks it off, thinking she’d stood him up the night before. And that was it.Had this episode ended with Joey realising it was all a dream, it would’ve made more sense than what actually happened.