There are more Eldritch Terrors, of increasing horror; some genuinely frightening, some a bit more silly. There is a bedraggled man who asks for help; whether he gets it or not may be the reason his victims live or die (and one dies horribly, and gruesomely). But the best episode involves a trip to a parallel universe. It is a shame that the clip has already been released by Netflix, because the sight of the original, 90s actors who played the first Hilda and Zelda, trapped on an endless TV set, existing solely to deliver their lines as written, is a real treat, and I can only imagine how wonderful it would have been for fans to come across it and be surprised that they were appearing. It is a smart, meta detour that taps into the best of the show’s wit.Chilling Adventures of Sabrina All Seasons Free.
Elsewhere, Sabrina deals with the more mundane aspects of any 16-year-old’s existence, witch or not. All her friends have coupled up, and have less time for her than they previously did, what with all the snogging (and more: I loved Roz turning into the cliche of the girl who had sex for the first time, and now can’t stop talking about it). To resurrect the Fright Club, Sabrina fakes a Bloody Mary ghoul haunting the school bathrooms, which is an extreme way of trying to get your friends to spend time with you. As her friends move forward with their own affairs, Sabrina feels passed over at the Academy, and begins to wonder if she made the wrong decision to choose to live in this realm. Sabrina-in-hell looks to be having a lot more fun.
Still, as Ambrose reminds her, she made her choice, and now she must make her peace with it. If only it were that simple. The world is under threat, the fact that Sabrina can pop to hell in disguise to visit the other Sabrina starts to be irresponsible, what with their meetings causing a cataclysm to end all cataclysms, and it all builds towards an epic finale, and the encroaching Void.