Barry is an American dark comedy crime drama television series created by Alec Berg and Bill Hader that premiered on HBO on March 25, 2018. Hader stars as Barry Berkman, a hitman from Cleveland who travels to Los Angeles to kill someone but finds himself joining an acting class taught by Gene Cousineau (Henry Winkler), where he meets aspiring actress Sally Reed (Sarah Goldberg) and begins to question his path in life as he deals with his criminal associates such as Monroe Fuches (Stephen Root) and NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan). The second season premiered on March 31, 2019. In April 2019, HBO renewed the series for a third season, while a fourth season has been written. The eight-episode third season is set to premiere on April 24, 2022.Barry Season 1-3 Download.
Barry has received critical acclaim, with most praise going to its writing, humor, characters, and performances (particularly Hader’s and Winkler’s), and received various accolades, including 30 Primetime Emmy Award nominations; Hader won Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series twice, while Winkler won Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series for his performance in the first season. For the second season, Winkler, Root and Carrigan all received Emmy nominations for Outstanding Supporting Actor, while Goldberg received a nomination for Best Supporting Actress.Barry follows Barry Berkman, a discharged Marine from Cleveland, who works as a hitman. Lonely and dissatisfied with life, he travels to Los Angeles to kill a target and ends up “finding an accepting community in a group of eager hopefuls within the L.A. theater scene”.Barry Berkman, a Marine turned hitman, is sent by his handler, Monroe Fuches, to Los Angeles to perform a hit for Chechen mob boss Goran Pazar, who wants him to kill Ryan Madison, a personal trainer and aspiring actor having an affair with Goran’s wife. Barry tracks the target to an acting class taught by famed coach and author Gene Cousineau.