
In 2013, Mitsuha Miyamizu is a high school girl living in the rural town of Itomori, Japan. Bored of the town, she wishes to be a Tokyo boy in her next life. One day, she inexplicably begins to switch bodies intermittently with Taki Tachibana, a high school boy in Tokyo: thus when they wake up as each other on some mornings, they must live through the other’s respective activities and social interactions for the day. They learn they can communicate with each other by leaving messages on paper, phones, and sometimes on each other’s skin. Mitsuha (in Taki’s body) sets Taki up on a date with coworker Miki Okudera, while Taki (in Mitsuha’s body) causes Mitsuha to become popular at school.Your Name 2016 Movie Download.
One day, Taki (in Mitsuha’s body) accompanies Mitsuha’s grandmother Hitoha and younger sister Yotsuha to leave the ritual alcohol kuchikamizake, made by the sisters, as an offering at the Shinto shrine located on a mountaintop outside the town. It is believed to represent the body of the village guardian god ruling over human connections and time. Taki reads a note from Mitsuha about the comet Tiamat, expected to pass nearest to Earth on the day of the autumn festival. The next day, Taki wakes up in his body and goes on a date with Miki, who tells him she enjoyed the date but also that she can tell he is preoccupied with thoughts of someone else. Taki attempts to call Mitsuha on the phone, but cannot reach her as the body-switching ends.
Taki, Miki, and their friend Tsukasa travel to Gifu by train on a trip to Hida in search of Mitsuha, though Taki does not know the name of Itomori, relying on his sketches of the surrounding landscape from memory. A restaurant owner in Hida recognizes the town in the sketch, being originally from there. He takes Taki and his friends to the ruins of Itomori, which has been destroyed and where 500 residents were killed when Tiamat unexpectedly fragmented as it passed by Earth three years earlier.