Wrong Turn 2: Dead End (2007) is a horror film directed by Joe Lynch and is the sequel to the 2003 film Wrong Turn. The movie follows a group of contestants who are invited to participate in a reality TV show in a remote West Virginia forest, unaware that the area is home to a family of inbred cannibals.The story begins with a reality TV production crew heading to the woods to film their survivalist competition, where the contestants must endure the harsh conditions of the wilderness. Among the participants are a group of diverse individuals, including a tough former soldier, a party girl, and a few others looking to make a name for themselves on TV.Wrong Turn 2: Dead End 2007 Movie Download.
As the group begins the competition, they are stalked and picked off one by one by a brutal, mutated family of cannibals living in the forest. The family members, including Three-Finger, a vicious and deformed killer, relentlessly hunt the group, setting traps and ambushing them in the woods. The survivors must use their wits and fight to escape the killers, all while the cameras capture the grisly events as part of the show.
Throughout the film, the contestants are killed in increasingly gruesome and violent ways, adding to the horror. As the characters try to survive, they realize that they are not just competing against nature but are being hunted by a deadly, savage family that has lived off the land for generations. The film culminates in a final showdown between the remaining survivors and the cannibals, leading to a shocking and bloody conclusion.