Sir Wilfrid Robarts, a senior barrister, just recovering from a heart attack, takes on the case of Leonard Vole. This is despite the objections of his private nurse, Miss Plimsoll, who says the doctor has warned him against taking on any criminal cases. Vole is accused of murdering Mrs Emily French, a wealthy, childless, older widow who had become enamoured of him, going so far as to make him the main beneficiary of her will. Strong circumstantial evidence points to Vole as the killer, but Sir Wilfrid believes Vole is innocent.Witness for the Prosecution 1957 Movie Download.
When Sir Wilfrid speaks with Vole’s German wife Christine, he finds her rather cold and self-possessed, but she does provide an alibi, although by no means an entirely convincing one. Therefore, he is greatly surprised when, during the trial, she is summoned as a witness by the prosecuting barrister.While a wife cannot be compelled to testify against her husband, Christine was, in fact, still married to Otto Helm, a German man now living in East Germany in the Russian Zone, when she wed Vole (who was in the Royal Air Force and part of the occupation forces in Germany at the time, and married her to help her escape Germany). She testifies that Vole privately confessed to her that he had killed Mrs French, and her conscience forced her to finally tell the truth.
During the trial in the Old Bailey, Sir Wilfrid is contacted by a mysterious woman who, for a fee, provides him with letters written by Christine herself to a mysterious lover named “Max”. The handwriting is genuine, and the woman has legitimate reason for handing them over – her face has been scarred and slashed, supposedly by this “Max”. The affair the letters outline, and one paragraph in particular detailing Max and Christine’s plan to lie and get rid of Leonard.