Three women, Bindiya (Sudiptaa), Meenu (Rajnandini) and an elderly woman (Chitra), whom everyone calls ma, meet on a journey without a destination. Will they find wind beneath their wings? Are their stories interrelated?Uronchondi 2018 Movie Download.
When the colloquial Bengali word, Uronchondi — used to chide young, unruly girls for not conforming to societal norms — forms the title of a film, it invites curiosity. You expect a film centred around women. And the film is that. But it also tries to defy the notion that only the young and spirited can be as wild as they dream to be. It also introduces a refreshingly endearing young man amid all the male bashing. That even men have reasons to break the shackles and set on a wild course is beautifully incorporated through the story of an unassuming young lad, Chotu (Amartya). That there’s no age to embrace a secretly-dreamt-of life is depicted through a young, runaway bride Meenu (Rajnandini), a victim of domestic violence Bindiya (Sudiptaa) and a neglected, old mother (Chitra).
The film, touted as a road film, revolves around their journey on a truck. It introduces them to each other’s lives, celebrates their kindred souls and throws a volley of questions at the audience through their interactions. All this is good as long as a disjoint doesn’t occur. First, the age-old role restrictions that women face have been discussed, argued and counter-argued. So, when Bindiya is unabashed about running away from her bullying husband, or when she drinks, mocking that act as the sole requirement to be a man, or when she is looked up to as a powerful woman by the other two, you laud Sudiptaa’s performance but don’t see the newness, if any. There’s a quite unbelievable e