Rohan ‘Mickey’ Arora is the son of Ramesh Arora, a rich business magnate, and lives with his family in Delhi. He along with his best friend, Manu Dabbas, secretly work as break-up consultants, helping people break-up with their respective partners. Mickey and Manu travel to Spain for Manu’s bachelor party. They are accompanied by Manu’s fiancèe, Kinchi, along with her friend, Nisha ‘Tinni’ Malhotra. Mickey and Tinni hook up and eventually fall in love with each other.Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar 2023 Movie Download.
Upon returning, Manu and Kinchi get married, while Mickey and Tinni introduce each other to their respective families. Both the families accept their relationship and start preparations for their wedding. However, Tinni feels she is not ready for the marriage and decides to breakup with Mickey. Tinni contacts the break-up consultant on phone, not knowing that it is in fact Mickey, and asks for help in breaking up with him. Unaware that he is speaking with Tinni, Mickey agrees to help.
Mickey suggests that Tinni and her partner match each other’s horoscopes, and if they do not align, then the marriage can be called off. However, their horoscopes align perfectly, and the plan fails. Mickey soon finds out that the client is none other than Tinni and is heartbroken as she did not discuss her concerns with him and try to sort out the misunderstandings. He decides to play along and beat Tinni at her own game. He suggests Tinni to do a “jealousy test”, which can lead to their breakup.
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