The Tunnel (Norwegian: Tunnelen) is a 2019 Norwegian disaster thriller film directed by Pål Øie. The film follows the bulldozer driver Svein, played by Thorbjørn Harr, during a tunnel fire in a 9 kilometer long road tunnel.During The Kanon Award 2019, the film won the Audience Award and was also nominated in the category to Best Producer (John Einar Hagen and Einar Loftesnes) and Best Sound Design (Hugo Ekornes). During the Amanda Award 2020, Ingvild Holthe Bygdnes won the class for Best Supporting Actress for the film.The Tunnel (Norwegian: Tunnelen) is a 2019 Norwegian disaster thriller film directed by Pål Øie. The film follows the bulldozer driver Svein, played by Thorbjørn Harr, during a tunnel fire in a 9 kilometer long road tunnel.During The Kanon Award 2019, the film won the Audience Award and was also nominated in the category to Best Producer (John Einar Hagen and Einar Loftesnes) and Best Sound Design (Hugo Ekornes). During the Amanda Award 2020, Ingvild Holthe Bygdnes won the class for Best Supporting Actress for the film.The Tunnel 2019 full Movie Download
The Tunnel (Norwegian: Tunnelen) is a 2019 Norwegian disaster thriller film directed by Pål Øie. The film follows the bulldozer driver Svein, played by Thorbjørn Harr, during a tunnel fire in a 9 kilometer long road tunnel.During The Kanon Award 2019, the film won the Audience Award and was also nominated in the category to Best Producer (John Einar Hagen and Einar Loftesnes) and Best Sound Design (Hugo Ekornes). During the Amanda Award 2020, Ingvild Holthe Bygdnes won the class for Best Supporting Actress for the film.
The Tunnel (Norwegian: Tunnelen) is a 2019 Norwegian disaster thriller film directed by Pål Øie. The film follows the bulldozer driver Svein, played by Thorbjørn Harr, during a tunnel fire in a 9 kilometer long road tunnel.During The Kanon Award 2019, the film won the Audience Award and was also nominated in the category to Best Producer (John Einar Hagen and Einar Loftesnes) and Best Sound Design (Hugo Ekornes). During the Amanda Award 2020, Ingvild Holthe Bygdnes won the class for Best Supporting Actress for the film.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added |
Download | HD 1080p(DB) | Dual Audio(Hin-Norwegian) | 1.97 GB | 313 | 4 years |
Download | HD 1080p | Dual Audio(Hin-Norwegian) | 1.97 GB | 498 | 4 years |
Download | HD 720p(DB) | Dual Audio(Hin-Norwegian) | 1GB | 259 | 4 years |
Download | HD 720p | Dual Audio(Hin-Norwegian) | 1GB | 285 | 4 years |
Download | HEVC 720p(DB) | Dual Audio(Hin-Norwegian) | 550.56 MB | 237 | 4 years |
Download | HEVC 720p | Dual Audio(Hin-Norwegian) | 550.56 MB | 246 | 4 years |
Download | SD 480p(DB) | Dual Audio(Hin-Norwegian) | 371.96 MB | 253 | 4 years |
Download | SD 480p | Dual Audio(Hin-Norwegian) | 371.96 MB | 246 | 4 years |