The story of the film revolves around a composer named Jack Ward (Daniel O’Reilly) who is so dedicated to his craft that everything else in his life, including his family, is secondary. So when tragedy strikes, he abandons his bourgeoisie lifestyle and sets off for the mountains where he plans to kill himself as his guilt is overbearing (interestingly, he carries a fishing rod with him on this suicidal trip). There, amidst the wild, he comes across a mute young girl (Makenzie Sconce) with her own share of trauma and past tragedies, on the run from her abusive father. If any ideas are popping into someone’s head from this summary, chances are, they are in the plot of this film.The Girl on the Mountain 2022 full Movie Download.
It’s a film with good intentions, a desire to carve out a simple thriller with a character-driven plot yet one bogged down by a heaping helping of its genre’s overused tropes. The character of Jack is a person who, true to his performer’s persona, dreams of applause and appreciation with every little thing he does in the beginning of the film, be it stepping over a few rocks or retrieving his daughter’s necklace seconds after accidentally dropping it in the river. It’s an arc that quite clearly does develop over time and O’Reilly is fairly dedicated to his performance, imbuing it with the emotional core that is expected. It’s Makenzie Sconce whose performance stands out amongst a plethora of characters too willing to be emotionally extreme. The scared girl who slowly learns to trust a man despite life having taught her differently is conveyed quite effectively by her without any histrionics.
When a reclusive backwoodsman finds a mute little girl wandering alone in the forest, he must protect her from the evil forces determined to end her life.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added |
Download | Watch Online | English | All Size | 159 | 3 years |
Download | HD 720p(DB) | English | 800MB | 188 | 3 years |
Download | HD 720p | English | 800MB | 194 | 3 years |
Download | HD 1080p(DB) | English | 1.4GB | 183 | 3 years |
Download | HD 1080p | English | 1.4GB | 184 | 3 years |
Download | HD 1080p(DB) | English | 4.6GB | 179 | 3 years |
Download | HD 1080p | English | 4.6GB | 185 | 3 years |