In 1985, eight-year-old John Bennett is a friendless only child living in Norwood, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston, who wishes for his new Christmas gift, a jumbo teddy bear named Ted, to come to life and become his best friend. The wish coincides with a shooting star and comes true; word spreads and Ted briefly becomes a celebrity.Ted 2012 Full Movie Download
27 years later, John (now 35) and Ted are still living in Boston, and are still staunch companions enjoying a hedonistic life. John is dating Lori Collins whom he met at a dance club. As their fourth anniversary approaches, Lori hopes to marry John, but feels he can not move forward in life with Ted around. John is hesitant about making Ted leave, but he is persuaded to act when they find Ted at home with a group of prostitutes after their anniversary dinner.John finds Ted his own apartment and a job at a grocery store, where Ted begins dating his co-worker Tami-Lynn.
Lori learns that John has been skipping work, using her as an excuse, to reluctantly continue to spend most of his time with Ted. John and Lori are invited to a party put on by Lori’s womanizing manager Rex, but Ted lures John away to a party at his apartment with the pressured offer to meet Sam J. Jones, the star of their favorite film, Flash Gordon. John intends to stay only a few minutes, but gets caught up in the occasion. Lori finds John there and furiously breaks up with him. A devastated John angrily blames Ted for ruining his relationship with Lori and disowns him.John and Ted confront each other about their ruined friendship and then fight, but manage to reconcile after a violent brawl in John’s hotel room (John is crushed by a television).
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Download | Watch Online | Dual Audio(Hindi-English) | All Size | 368 | 3 years |
Download | SD 480p | Dual Audio(Hindi-English) | 341MB | 376 | 3 years |
Download | SD 480p(DB) | Dual Audio(Hindi-English) | 341MB | 352 | 3 years |
Download | HD 720p | Dual Audio(Hindi-English) | 1.16GB | 599 | 3 years |
Download | HD 720p(DB) | Dual Audio(Hindi-English) | 1.16GB | 562 | 3 years |