Kabul-based French journalist Elsa Casanova (Diane Kruger) writes an article about warlord Zaief (Raz Degan) and names him “the butcher of Kabul”. Her informer Maina (Morjana Alaoui) warns her that Zaief is out for vengeance. Before Maina returns to Zaief, she bids farewell to Elsa, because she is convinced that she will die by an honour killing. Elsa tries to hold her back but fails. Her friend Amen (Mehdi Nebbou) urges Elsa to leave the country, but agrees to help her try and save Maina. Zaief ambushes and captures Elsa and Amen. Amen asks Elsa to show no fear in front of Zaief. Still, she breaks down when their friend Salemani (Greg Fromentin) is cruelly murdered in her presence.Special Forces 2011 full Movie Download.
Zaief publishes a video of Salemani’s gruesome death, which eventually reaches the French government. A small French team, consisting of 4 Naval Commandos, 1 1st Marine Infantry Paratroopers Regiment and 1 Air Force Paratrooper Commando 10 (CPA10) members are entrusted with Elsa’s rescue. They find Zaief’s hideout in Pakistan and witness the execution of Maina. When they leave with Elsa and Amen, a bullet hits their wireless set. Without a means to contact their base, they cannot be found or picked up.In leu of another solution, they head for the Khyber Pass in order to reach their base in Afghanistan on foot. In the mountains, there is another firefight with Zaief’s gunmen.
When the fugitives come across a village, Elsa asks for hospitality. Whilst resting with the locals, Marius (Alain Alivon) is shot dead by a sniper, who is then killed by the team’s own marksman Elias (Raphaël Personnaz). Later on, Zaief’s gunmen arrive, and Zaief himself kills Amen. When Victor is hit, they retreat into the mountains.