“Sky Force” is a 2025 Indian Hindi-language action drama film that premiered on January 24, 2025. Directed by Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani, the film is produced by Dinesh Vijan and Amar Kaushik under Maddock Films, along with Jyoti Deshpande under Jio Studios. The narrative is inspired by true events from the Indo-Pakistani air war of 1965, focusing on India’s retaliatory attack on Pakistan’s Sargodha airbase, marking the nation’s first airstrike.Sky Force 2025 Movie Download.
The film features Akshay Kumar in the lead role, portraying an Indian Air Force officer. He is joined by debutant Veer Pahariya, Sara Ali Khan, and Nimrat Kaur in significant roles. The story delves into themes of bravery, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of truth, highlighting the heroism of India’s air force during a pivotal moment in history.
Upon its release, “Sky Force” garnered mixed reactions from audiences. While some viewers praised its emotional depth and performances, others critiqued aspects of its storytelling. The film achieved a promising start at the box office, reportedly earning over ₹5 crore in advance bookings.For those interested in wartime dramas that blend action with historical events, “Sky Force” offers a cinematic portrayal of a significant chapter in India’s military history.