In a city of anthropomorphic animals called Calatonia, Buster Moon owns a struggling theater, and is threatened with foreclosure by bank representative Judith. He decides to hold a singing competition with a prize of $1,000, but a typo made by his assistant Miss Crawly adds two extra zeros to the prize money. The misprinted flyers are blown out of the window by a fan before they can be proofread, and float across the city.Sing 2016 Full Movie Download.
Crowds of animals gather to audition, and Buster selects his contestants. These include housewife and mother of 25 piglets Rosita; punk-rock Ash; teenager Johnny, son of mobster Big Daddy; street musician Mike; a trio of dancing frogs; and opera singer camel Pete. Teenager Meena fails her audition from stage fright, Ash’s self-absorbed boyfriend Lance is dismissed from the contest, and Rosita is paired with an exuberant pig named Gunter for a dance routine. After Buster discovers the flyers advertise a prize of $100,000, his friend Eddie convinces him to arrange a visit with his wealthy grandmother, former singing star Nana Noodleman. Nana is reluctant to sponsor the prize money, but agrees to attend a private preview of the show before making a decision.
Pressured by her grandfather, Meena tries to ask Buster for another chance, but becomes his stage hand instead. When the frog trio breaks up and Pete is injured, Meena is added as an act. Other problems soon arise; Rosita flounders in her dance routine with Gunter, believing her motherly duties have caused her to lose her passion; Ash discovers Lance cheating on her, throws him out, and later breaks down crying while rehearsing her assigned song; Meena’s stage fright prevents her from performing; and Mike, certain the prize money is as good as his, buys a fancy car and swindles a group of Russian bears in a card game. Johnny, forced by Big Daddy to be the getaway driver in a heist, sneaks away to a rehearsal but struggles to focus on his piano playing. Traffic prevents Johnny’s return to the heist, causing Big Daddy to be arrested causing his relationship with Johnny to be strained.
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