After Mystery, Inc. solves the mystery of the Luna Ghost at a factory, long-brewing friction between Fred, a glory hog, Daphne, who has become sick of being the one who gets captured, and Velma, from whom Fred regularly steals credit for her plans, causes the gang to disband, abandoning Scooby and Shaggy. Two years later, they are all invited to solve a mystery on horror-themed tropical resort Spooky Island, whose owner, Emile Mondavarious, believes the visiting tourists are being brainwashed.While Shaggy and Scooby hope this will bring the gang back together, Velma, Fred and Daphne are all intent on solving the mystery on their own. Velma attends a ritualistic performance given by actor N’Goo Tuana and his henchman, famous luchador Zarkos. N’Goo claims ancient demons once ruled the island but have been plotting revenge ever since they were displaced by the resort. Meanwhile, Shaggy falls for a girl named Mary Jane, distancing himself from Scooby in the process.Scooby-Doo 2002 Movie Download.
They are all led to the resort’s haunted house ride, where Fred and Velma encounter a schoolroom that educates inhuman creatures about human culture, while Daphne discovers a pyramid-shaped artifact called the Daemon Ritus. Fred, Velma and Mondavarious are kidnapped and later possessed by the island’s demons. Mary Jane calls the Coast Guard for help, but they don’t arrive; Zarkos steals back the Daemon Ritus from Daphne, who is also captured and possessed. The next day, after trying and failing to tell Shaggy that Mary Jane is a demon in disguise, Scooby goes missing as well.
Shaggy goes in search of his friends and finds a vat of protoplasm containing the souls of those possessed. He finds and frees the souls of Daphne, Fred and Velma, who discovers sunlight destroys the demons. A voodoo priest who lives on the island informs the gang the demons are to perform their “Darpokalypse” Ritual, which will see them rule the world for ten thousand years if a pure soul is sacrificed in the Daemon Ritus. The gang realizes that the pure soul is Scooby, whom Mondavarious brought to Spooky Island for this very reason. Fred, D