The notorious criminal Divine lives under the pseudonym “Babs Johnson” with her mentally ill mother Edie, delinquent son Crackers, and traveling companion Cotton. They share a trailer on the outskirts of Phoenix, Maryland, next to a gazing ball and a pair of plastic pink flamingos. After learning that Divine has been named “the filthiest person alive” by a tabloid paper, jealous rivals Connie and Raymond Marble attempt to usurp her title.Pink Flamingos 1972 Movie Download.
The Marbles run a black market baby ring: they kidnap young women, have them impregnated by their manservant, Channing, and sell the babies to lesbian couples. The proceeds are used to finance pornography shops and a network of dealers selling heroin in inner-city elementary schools. Raymond also earns money by exposing himself — with a large kielbasa sausage or turkey neck tied to his penis — to women and stealing their purses when they flee. One of Raymond’s would-be targets, a transgender woman who has not completed gender reassignment surgery, thwarts his scheme by exposing her breast, penis and scrotum, causing Raymond to flee in shock.Pink Flamingos 1972 Movie Download.
The Marbles enlist a spy, Cookie, to gather information about Divine by dating Crackers. In one of the film’s most infamous scenes, Cookie and Crackers have sex while crushing a live chicken between them as Cotton looks on through a window. Cookie then informs the Marbles about Babs’ real identity, her whereabouts, and her family — as well as her upcoming birthday party.
The Marbles send a box of human feces to Divine as a birthday present with a card addressing her as “Fatso” and proclaiming themselves “the filthiest people alive”. Worried her title has been seized, Divine declares whoever sent the package must die. While the Marbles are gone, Channing dresses in Connie’s clothes and imitates his employers’ overheard conversations. When the Marbles return home, they are outraged to find Channing mocking them, so they fire him and lock him in a closet.