Stuart Shepard (Colin Farrell) is a young arrogant New York City publicist who has been having an affair with Pamela McFadden (Katie Holmes) behind the back of his wife Kelly (Radha Mitchell). While in Times Square, Stuart uses a public phone booth to contact Pam. During the call, he is interrupted by a pizza delivery man who attempts to deliver a free pizza to him, but Stuart aggressively turns him away. As soon as Stuart completes his call, the phone rings. Stuart answers; a man on the other end, who knows his name, warns him not to leave the booth, threatening to tell Kelly about Pam.Phone Booth 2002 Movie Download.
The caller tells Stuart that he has tested two previous individuals who have done wrong deeds in a similar manner, giving each a chance to reveal the truth to those they wronged, but in both cases they refused and were killed. Stuart must confess his feelings to both Kelly and Pam to avoid the same fate. To demonstrate the threat, the caller fires a suppressed sniper rifle with pinpoint accuracy. The caller then contacts Pam and connects her to Stuart, who admits that he is married.Phone Booth 2002 Movie Download.
The booth is approached by three prostitutes demanding to use the phone, but Stuart refuses to leave, without revealing his dilemma. Leon (John Enos III), a pimp, breaks the glass side of the booth, grabs Stuart and pummels him while the prostitutes watch. The caller offers to “make him stop” and in Stuart’s confusion, he inadvertently asks for this; the caller shoots Leon dead. The prostitutes immediately blame Stuart, accusing him of having a gun, as the police and news crews converge on the location.NYPD Captain Ed Ramey (Forest Whitaker) seals off the area and negotiates to make Stuart leave the booth, but he refuses.