The film begins in September 1963, when Randle Patrick McMurphy is serving a prison sentence on an Oregon work farm for multiple assaults and for statutory rape of a 15-year-old girl. He gets himself transferred to a mental institution to avoid hard labor. At the hospital, he finds the ward is being dominated by head nurse Mildred Ratched, a cold, passive-aggressive tyrant who uses her authority to intimidate her patients. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 1975 Movie Download
The other patients include an anxious, stuttering man-child named Billy Bibbit; Charlie Cheswick, who is prone to childish tantrums; delusional and innocent Martini; the articulate, repressed homosexual Dale Harding; belligerent and profane Max Taber; epileptics Jim Sefelt and Bruce Fredrickson, the former of whom gives his medicine to the latter; quiet but violent-minded Scanlon; “Chief” Bromden, a very tall Native American who acts as a deaf-mute and several other patients with chronic conditions.
Ratched sees McMurphy’s lively, rebellious presence as a threat to her authority; she confiscates the patients’ cigarettes and rations them, and suspends their card-playing privileges. McMurphy finds himself in a battle of wills against Ratched. He steals a school bus, escaping with several patients to go fishing and swimming on the Pacific Ocean Coast, encouraging his fellow patients to discover their own abilities and find self-confidence.
After an orderly tells him that the judge’s time sentence doesn’t apply for people who are deemed to be criminally insane, McMurphy makes plans to escape, encouraging Chief Bromden to throw a hydrotherapy console through a window. It is also revealed that McMurphy, Chief, and Taber are the only non-chronic patients involuntarily committed to the institution; the rest of them are self-committed and could leave at any time, but are too afraid to do so. After Cheswick bursts into a fit demanding his cigarettes, McMurphy and Taber fight the orderlies, and Chief intervenes.One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest .