Terry Benedict locates all eleven members of Danny Ocean’s crew, demanding they return the $160 million they stole from his casinos plus $38 million interest. Short by half, the group schemes to stage another heist in Amsterdam to avoid problems with U.S. authorities. They are tipped off by an informant named Matsui about the location of the first stock certificate ever. After a complex series of schemes, they find the document has already been stolen by the “Night Fox”, another master thief. Europol Detective Isabel Lahiri is called in to investigate the theft and realizes that she gave Rusty the idea of how to solve a complication of the heist with a description of a similar burglary earlier during their relationship. Surprising the group at their accommodation, she warns them they cannot beat the Night Fox or his mentor, the mysterious master-thief known as “LeMarc”, both of whom excel in practicing the “long-con” and steals Rusty’s phone. She has been hunting both for years.Ocean’s Twelve 2004 Movie Download.
Danny and his gang discover the Night Fox is François Toulour, a wealthy French baron who has a villa on Lake Como. Danny goes to his villa and steals Toulour’s paintings. He confronts Toulour, who reveals that he had exposed their identities to Benedict (breaking the code of silence among thieves) and hired Matsui to inform the crew about the certificate in order to arrange the meeting with Danny. Toulour is upset that LeMarc suggested Danny may be a better thief than him and challenges Danny to steal the Fabergé Imperial Coronation Egg. If Danny and his crew win, Toulour will pay off the debt to Benedict.
Danny and his gang begin to plan an elaborate heist to swap the egg for a holographic recreation, but Toulour gives the camera recordings from his villa to Lahiri and she deduces that they want to steal the egg through an intercepted phone call to Rusty. She then captures all of the crew except Linus, Tarr, Turk, and Saul.