Nishabdham (2020), also known as Silence, is a multilingual thriller film starring Anushka Shetty and R. Madhavan in pivotal roles. Directed by Hemanth Madhukar, the movie is a gripping tale of suspense, love, and betrayal, set against the backdrop of a mysterious murder.The story revolves around Sakshi, a mute artist (played by Anushka Shetty), who becomes a key witness to a gruesome murder in a haunted house in Seattle. Sakshi’s life takes a dark turn when her fiancé, Anthony Gonsalves (played by Madhavan), a celebrated cello player, gets entangled in the murder mystery.Anushka’s Nishabdham 2022 Movie Download.
As the investigation unfolds, led by a determined cop Richard Dickens (played by Michael Madsen), several hidden truths and shocking secrets come to light. Each character in the story, including Sakshi’s best friend and her fiancé, appears to have a concealed motive, deepening the mystery. The film’s narrative alternates between present-day investigations and flashbacks that unravel the relationships and circumstances leading to the murder.Nishabdham is characterized by its atmospheric cinematography, eerie settings, and a haunting background score that amplifies the suspense. It delves into themes of love, trust, and revenge, keeping the audience guessing until the climactic reveal.
The film explores the vulnerability and resilience of Sakshi as she navigates through life-threatening situations to uncover the truth. With its twists and turns, Nishabdham offers a thrilling experience for fans of suspense dramas.