On April 14, 1865, five days after the end of the American Civil War, John Wilkes Booth and Michael O’Laughlen enter a tavern in Washington, D.C., and approach Thomas Gates to decode a message in Booth’s diary. Thomas recognizes the message as using the Playfair cipher and begins to translate it. While he does so, Booth leaves for Ford’s Theatre to assassinate US President Abraham Lincoln. Thomas solves the puzzle and realizes the men are members of the Knights of the Golden Circle and are Confederate sympathizers. A fight breaks out, and Thomas is shot. Thomas rips several pages from the diary and throws them in the fireplace. The gunman retrieves only a page fragment.National Treasure: Book of Secrets 2007 Movie Download.
Approximately 142 years later, three years after the events of the first film, Thomas’s great-great-grandson Ben Gates delivers a lecture on the story at a Civilian Heroes conference. A black market antiquities dealer, Mitch Wilkinson, shows one of the 18 missing pages of John Wilkes Booth’s diary, with Thomas Gates’s name written on it, convincing everyone that Thomas was not only a conspirator but also the grand architect of the Lincoln assassination. Ben sets out to prove Thomas’ innocence by finding a possible treasure that Thomas was searching for.
Using spectral imaging, Ben, his estranged girlfriend, Abigail Chase, and his friend, Riley Poole, discover a cipher pointing to Édouard Laboulaye hidden on the back of the diary page. Ben and Riley travel to Paris, where they find a clue engraved on the torch of the scale model of the Statue of Liberty, referring to the two Resolute desks. One of the desks is used by the President of the United States at the Oval Office in Washington, and the other is used by the Queen of the United Kingdom in Buckingham Palace in London.