Madgaon Express” is a 2024 Hindi-language comedy film written and directed by actor Kunal Khemu in his directorial debut. Produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani under the banner of Excel Entertainment, the film boasts an ensemble cast including Divyenndu, Pratik Gandhi, Avinash Tiwary, Nora Fatehi, Upendra Limaye, and Chhaya Kadam1.Madgaon Express 2024 Movie Download.
The plot revolves around three friends facing trouble. In 1998, Dhanush Sawant (aka Dodo), Pratik Garodia (aka Pinku), and Ayush Gupta dream of going to Goa after their board examinations. However, due to their parents’ reluctance, their plans are thwarted. In 2003, they once again plan the trip after graduation, but an accident derails their plans. Years later, Dodo, struggling with life, pretends to be living lavishly on social media. When Pinku and Ayush decide to visit Mumbai, Dodo suggests they fulfill their Goa dream via the Madgaon Express train. Little do they know that their journey will turn into a chaotic adventure involving dangerous criminals, including Kanchan Kombdi and Mendonza Bhai.Madgaon Express” is a 2024 Hindi-language comedy film written and directed by actor Kunal Khemu in his directorial debut. Produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani under the banner of Excel Entertainment, the film boasts an ensemble cast including Divyenndu, Pratik Gandhi, Avinash Tiwary, Nora Fatehi, Upendra Limaye, and Chhaya Kadam1.
The plot revolves around three friends facing trouble. In 1998, Dhanush Sawant (aka Dodo), Pratik Garodia (aka Pinku), and Ayush Gupta dream of going to Goa after their board examinations. However, due to their parents’ reluctance, their plans are thwarted. In 2003, they once again plan the trip after graduation, but an accident derails their plans. Years later, Dodo, struggling with life, pretends to be living lavishly on social media.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added |
Download | Mega 1080p | Hindi | 2.8Gb | 225 | 8 months |
Download | Mega 720p | Hindi | 800Mb | 269 | 8 months |
Download | HD 1080p | Hindi | 2.8Gb | 1071 | 8 months |
Download | HD 720p | Hindi | 800Mb | 1130 | 8 months |
Download | HD 1080p | Hindi | 8.8GB | 415 | 8 months |
Download | HD 1080p | Hindi | 5.2Gb | 518 | 8 months |
Download | HD 720p | Hindi | 2.6Gb | 766 | 8 months |