Anand, an IT professional recently moves to Thiruvananthapuram from Bangalore with his pregnant wife Binu Thrivikraman. During a routine police check in their neighbourhood, Anand learns that his wife’s name is being included in the “KAAPA” (Kerala Anti-Social Activities Prevention Act) list, a list that includes the names of all the local gangsters. Anand decides to clear Binu’s name and sends her to his hometown to have a safe pregnancy.Kaapa 2022 Movie Download.
Later, Anand meets Arun, a police constable to seek his help for removing Binu’s name, and soon learns about her involvement in leading a gang and her rivalry with the city’s leading gangster and upcoming politician Kotta Madhu, as Madhu was responsible for Binu’s brother’s death. Anand meets Kotta Madhu and manages to earn his trust in order to help Binu. Later, Anand learns that a reporter named Latheef has hired goons to finish Madhu and informs Prameela, who later informs Madhu. Madhu thrashes them and Latheef gets scared of getting caught by Madhu.
Anand travels to Binu’s hometown and arranges their baby’s naming ceremony. Latheef meets Anand and reveals about his rivalry with Madhu resulted in his cousin Nazeer getting exiled to UAE, where he tells Anand to form a truce between him and Madhu in order to live a peaceful life. Though relucant, Madhu agrees and arrives at the spot where the truce is held, but Madhu is killed in a bomb blast by a boy, whose life was severely damaged by Madhu as he bombed an assassin due to his orders and was sent to juvenile prison.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added |
Download | HD 720p | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 1.65GB | 284 | 2 years |
Download | HD 1080p | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 1.78GB | 196 | 2 years |
Download | HD 720p | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 1.65GB | 414 | 2 years |
Download | HD 720p | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 927MB | 567 | 2 years |
Download | HD 1080p | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 1.37GB | 389 | 2 years |
Download | HEVC 1080p | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 3.08GB | 275 | 2 years |