Trish Jenner and her brother Darry are traveling home from college for spring break. As they drive through the Florida countryside, an old and rusty truck briefly and threateningly tailgates them but eventually passes them. They later see the same truck parked next to an abandoned church with the driver sliding what appears to be bodies wrapped in blood-stained sheets into a large pipe sticking out of the ground. Having noticed their car pass by, the driver returns to their truck and successfully manages to run them off the road.Jeepers Creepers 2001 full Movie Download.
Moments later, Darry convinces Trish to go back to the church and investigate. Once there, Darry hears noises coming from within the pipe and crawls inside with Trish holding on to his feet, but ends up falling in. At the bottom, he finds a dying man with stitches running down his stomach, hundreds of other bodies sewn to the basement’s walls and ceiling, and the bodies of Kenny and Darla, a prom couple that had gone missing twenty-three years prior. After escaping, the two flee the scene and attempt to contact the police at a diner, where they’re phoned by a strange woman who tells them they’re in danger. She plays the song “Jeepers Creepers” on a record player, and confused, they ignore her warning and leave with two police officers providing a security escort. As they travel, the police learn that the church has caught fire and any potential evidence has been destroyed. The police are then attacked and killed by the driver, who loads their bodies into their truck. Witnessing the aftermath, Trish and Darry drive off in terror.
The pair stop at the house of an elderly and reclusive woman, begging her to call the police. The woman complies until she notices the driver hiding in her yard, who kills her before revealing its inhuman face to Trish and Darry.