After an extinction event, an automated bunker that is designed to repopulate humanity activates. A robot named Mother grows a human embryo and cares for her over several years. Mother says she needs practice being a good parent before growing more. About 38 years later,[3] a teenage girl named Daughter fixes Mother’s hand. Mother teaches Daughter complex moral and ethical lessons, warning her about an upcoming exam. During a power outage, Daughter captures a young rat and fixes the electrical malfunction it caused. When Mother powers up, she incinerates the rat in a furnace over Daughter‘s objections. Mother explains that surface contamination makes contact with the outside world potentially lethal.I Am Mother 2019 Movie Download.
Daughter becomes increasingly curious about the outside world. While exploring the bunker’s airlock, Daughter hears a wounded woman beg for assistance outside. Daughter opens the airlock but makes the woman put on a hazmat suit. Mother powers up and sprints toward them as Daughter hides the woman. Daughter tells Mother she was curious about the outside world. Mother reiterates her warnings. After Daughter is decontaminated, Mother insists that Daughter prepares for the exam.
Once Mother leaves, Daughter confiscates a firearm from the woman’s belongings. Daughter becomes agitated when the woman removes her suit to drink water she has brought. The woman says there is no contamination. Upon realizing there is a robot in the bunker, the woman aggressively demands Daughter return her firearm. Frightened, Daughter calls out. Mother disarms the woman after being shot. Daughter pleads for the woman’s life. Mother agrees to help the woman and takes her to the infirmary. When the woman refuses Mother’s help, Mother locks her there. Mother asks Daughter to gain the woman’s trust so they can help other survivors.