In 1986, MI6 agents James Bond and Alec Trevelyan infiltrate a Soviet chemical weapons facility in Arkhangelsk. While Trevelyan is seemingly caught and killed by Colonel Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov, the facility’s commanding officer, Bond manages to destroy the site before escaping.GoldenEye 1995 full Movie Download.
While undergoing an assessment nine years later, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Bond attempts to prevent Xenia Onatopp, a member of the Janus crime syndicate, from stealing a Eurocopter Tiger attack helicopter during a military demonstration in Monte Carlo, but fails. Returning to London, Bond oversees MI6 staff monitoring an incident in Severnaya, Siberia, after the stolen helicopter turns up at a radar facility there. An electromagnetic pulse blast suddenly hits the site, destroying it and three Russian fighter jets sent to investigate a distress call, while knocking out all satellite systems in orbit above.
The newly-appointed female M assigns Bond to investigate, after it is determined the blast came from a Soviet-era satellite armed with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse space-based weapon, codenamed “GoldenEye”. Although Janus is suspected of initiating the attack, Bond suspects Ourumov, now a general, had involvement due to the weapon system requiring high-level military access. Travelling to Saint Petersburg, Bond is advised by his CIA contact Jack Wade to meet former KGB agent-turned-gangster Valentin Zukovsky and have him arrange a meeting with Janus. Escorted to the meeting by Onatopp, Bond discovers that Janus is led by Trevelyan (scarred following the attack at Arkhangelsk), having faked his death at Arkhangelsk, and learns he is descended from the Cossacks who were repatriated to the Soviet Union after collaboration with the Axis powers during World War II.
Learning that Trevelyan seeks revenge against Britain for betraying his parents, who survived the purge but killed themselves out of shame, Bond is sedated before he can kill him, and trapped in the stolen Tiger alongside Natalya Simonova, a survivor of the Severnaya attack.