“Girl in Golden Gate Park,” an independent neo-noir film, written and directed by JP Allen and produced by his creative and life partner, Cathy Montosa, captures San Francisco’s beauty, while telling a mysterious story about the harsh realities of what it Is like to live here now.Like the 2019 artistic triumph, “The Last Black Man in San Francisco,” “Girl in Golden Gate Park” depicts characters who find themselves living at the margins, despite having grown up in a diverse, accepting city where they once felt like they truly belonged.Girl in Golden Gate Park 2021 full Movie Download.
The three main characters are strong, resilient women. One is thriving and the other two are trying to survive. When we first meet Jean (played by Kim Jiang-Dubaniewicz), she is living in her car parked next to Golden Gate Park. But, she has a plan to get back on her feet, some of which involves plotting revenge for how her ailing father was treated and what led up to the two of them being evicted.“The film is partly based on friends who were evicted,” said Montosa. “It’s about home.”Montosa, who grew up in Winters, California and spent much of her nursing career in Santa Rosa, met Allen at a screening for his 2011 film, “Centaur.” They have been together for more than nine years, married for six and live in the Inner Sunset. Their home, overlooking the park, was used as one of the locations in “Girl in Golden Gate Park.”
Much of the film was shot in Golden Gate Park, including early morning nature shots. Sites included Stow Lake, Jean training at the Polo Fields, a small group practicing tai chi and a scene in front of the de Young Museum. The park felt like a fourth main character.
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