A silver object enters Earth’s atmosphere, radiating cosmic energy that creates massive molecular fluctuations and causes deep craters at locations across the Earth. The government approaches Reed Richards to track the movements of the object. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Reed and Sue Storm prepare for their wedding. As the wedding begins, Reed’s systems detect the phenomenon approaching New York City. The object destroys the sensors while the Fantastic Four protect the crowd. Sue’s brother Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, pursues the object, discovering that it is a humanoid, a “Silver Surfer“. He confronts the Surfer, who drags Johnny into the upper atmosphere then drops him back toward Earth. Johnny manages to reactivate his powers and survives the fall, landing in a desert. Later, when Sue tries to check Johnny for illnesses, she touches his forehead and their powers switch—he becomes invisible, and she is set on fire; when they touch again their powers revert. Reed’s examination of Johnny reveals that exposure to the Surfer has set Johnny’s molecular structure in flux, allowing him to switch powers with his teammates through physical contact.
Tracing the cosmic energy of the Surfer, Reed discovers that a series of planets the Surfer visited previously had all been destroyed eight days after and that he has been creating deep artificial craters around the globe for some unknown purpose. Reed determines that the next crater will appear in London, and the team travels there. They arrive too late to stop the crater, and the Thames drains into it. Afterward, both Reed and Sue contemplate abandoning their lives as superheroes in order to provide a normal life to raise a family. The Surfer’s movements around the globe bring him past Latveria, where the cosmic energy affects Victor Von Doom, freeing him from two years as a metal statue. Doom, able to move again but scarred, traces the Surfer to the Russell Glacier and makes him an offer to join forces. When the Surfer rebuffs him, Doom attacks. The Surfer returns fire, blasting Doom through the ice, though the cosmic energy of the Surfer’s blast heals Doom’s body instead of killing him.Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.