1973: a young nurse is forced to work the night shift in a crumbling hospital as striking miners switch off the power across Britain. But inside the walls lurks a terrifying presence that threatens to consume her and everyone around her. The Power 2021 full Movie
Or ”nifs” as i would say in norwegian, and a horror movie that hits the target of my occupation, as a medical nurse. Add to that that ive worked night shifts for 19 years ive had my turns and nerves tested through blackouts, not as a result of a stike, but due to bad weather. And that adds the sugar to the cake, when the cold comes creeping, and the squeking noises of beams bending in the loft construction, and the fluttering glow of my nightingale lamp( yes we had them back then) makes the shadows in the corners come alive, and my colleague scare the hecklers outta me every time she rounds a corner. The signal system at our care center usually switch of during outtages, but once it started by itself, ringing the number of an empty room, that had just been cleared of a diseased patient. I dont believe in the prescence of ghosts, but after that shift im always having my headlamp within reach everytime the weather goes cranky….and my thoughts of whether or not a ghost is haunting my workplace really withers form doupt.
Or ”nifs” as i would say in norwegian, and a horror movie that hits the target of my occupation, as a medical nurse. Add to that that ive worked night shifts for 19 years ive had my turns and nerves tested through blackouts, not as a result of a stike, but due to bad weather. And that adds the sugar to the cake, when the cold comes creeping, and the squeking noises of beams bending in the loft construction, and the fluttering glow of my nightingale lamp( yes we had them back then) makes the shadows in the corners come alive, and my colleague scare the hecklers outta me every time she rounds a corner.