Doors has a promising premise: out of nowhere, more than a million doors appear all over planet Earth. They’re demonstrably alien in nature — their surfaces writhe with what looks like a magnets-over-iron-filings effect, they give off eerie sounds and occasional voices, they blink and judder until they’re hard to look at. People who get too close get pulled in, which immediately raises questions — where do they go, and why?Doors 2021 Movie Download.
But the 81-minute film only answers those questions in oblique and confusing ways, via an anthology format where the puzzle pieces don’t entirely fit together. The story breaks down into four segments. In the first, “Lockdown,” directed by Jeff Desom, four high-school students, isolated in a library to take a test, deal with the initial appearance of a door in their school. In the second, most developed segment, “Knockers,” directed by Saman Kesh, three volunteers enter a door and confront what’s on the other side. In the third, “Lamaj,” directed by Dugan O’Neal, an isolated man in the woods runs illegal experiments on a door, using a jury-rigged sound system. The fourth segment doesn’t get its own title or credits, but it features an independent broadcaster interviewing a door-addled guest who explains his perspective on the phenomenon, in an unsettling way.
Apart from that broadcaster, Martin Midnight (David Hemphill), who adds snide talk-radio voiceover to some of the segments, the characters don’t cross over from one story to another, as the film leaps forward in time. “Lockdown” happens on the first day of the doors phenomenon, “Knockers” is 15 days in, and “Lamaj” is months down the line, while the unnamed fourth segment feels unfixed in time. The progression is the only way viewers can track how the doors have changed society, since all of these segments are insular and isolated, and only “Knockers” gives a real sense of the larger world.