The film begins with Detective Graham Waters and his partner Ria being involved in a minor collision with a car being driven by Kim Lee. A subsequent exchange of racially charged insults occurs. Waters arrives at a crime scene where the body of a “dead kid” has been discovered. Earlier the previous day, Farhad, a Persian shop owner, and his daughter Dorri are in a gun shop arguing over what cartridges they should buy. The gun store owner grows impatient and degrades the two of them by referring to Farhad as “Osama“. Farhad is forced to leave the store and Dorri becomes responsible for the choice. Crash 2004 full Movie
Later that night, two black men, Anthony and Peter, carjack District Attorney Rick Cabot and his wife Jean. At the couple’s house, the Hispanic locksmith Daniel Ruiz overhears Jean arguing with Rick, demanding that the locks be changed again as she suspects that Daniel is a gangster due to his tattoos and outfit. Daniel places the keys of the new locks on the kitchen counter and leaves.
Sergeant John Ryan and his partner Officer Tom Hansen pull over an SUV being driven by director Cameron Thayer and his wife Christine, who was performing fellatio on him. After an intoxicated Christine mouths off to Ryan, he subjects the couple to a body search. Ryan molests Christine in front of her husband and Hansen, who watches in disgust. Ryan releases them with a warning after Cameron apologizes.
In the carjacked SUV, Anthony and Peter hit a Korean man while passing a parked van, dump him in front of a hospital, and drive away. Daniel’s next call is to replace a lock at Farhad’s shop, but when Daniel warns Farhad that the real problem is the door, Farhad won’t listen. The next day, Farhad finds that his store has been wrecked and defaced with graffiti. Waters, while having sex with Ria, gets a phone call from his mother with dementia, which leads to an argument about Ria’s ethnicity