Emma Allan and Olivia “Liv” Lerner are childhood best friends who have planned every detail of their weddings, since first witnessing a wedding 20 years ago at the Plaza Hotel. They both have made it a top priority to be married in the same location in June. While hanging out at Liv’s apartment in the present day they find a Tiffany box hidden in the closet. Both friends are excited knowing that Liv will soon get a proposal from her boyfriend. That same night Emma’s boyfriend proposes to her. Liv gets restless waiting for her boyfriend to pop the question and eventually confronts him the morning after Emma’s engagement. He replies he was planning on doing it that night but then asks her on the spot.Bride Wars 2009 Movie Download.
Both women start planning and expect to be each other’s maid of honor. They schedule a meeting with New York’s most famous wedding planner, Marion St. Claire, who tells them there are three spots open at The Plaza in June: Two on the same day and one a few weeks later. They each choose a different day but due to a clerical error, wind up both scheduled to have their weddings on the same day, June 6 (three and a half months later).
The two of them ask the third bride, Stacey, to switch her June 27 date with Emma. Stacey refuses, resulting in Liv fighting with Stacey while she is registering for gifts and causing Liv and Emma to be escorted out of the store. A week of passive-aggressive hostility passes before the two women make it clear to each other that neither will compromise. Emma’s fiancé, Fletcher, begins to show signs of being controlling. The two women declare war after a slight misunderstanding that Liv already announced her wedding date, outraging Emma who set her date as well, which Liv becomes aware of at their shared bridal shower. The two exchange threats and insults in front of their friends who decide not to take sides.