Ben 10 is an American animated television series and media franchise created by Man of Action Studios and produced by Cartoon Network Studios. The series centers on a boy named Ben Tennyson who acquires the Omnitrix, an alien device resembling a wristwatch, which contains DNA of different alien species. Using the Omnitrix, Ben is able to transform into powerful aliens with various abilities. The Omnitrix initially contains ten aliens, although later on Ben obtains more species by adding their DNA.Ben 10 Ben 10 010 2021 Full Movie Download
The Ben 10 franchise has received widespread critical acclaim, winning three Emmy Awards. It consists primarily of five television series and four films, the latter of which aired between August 2007 and March 2012. Spanning fifteen years, it is Cartoon Network’s longest-running franchise to date. There is also a Ben 10 toy line manufactured by Bandai for the first four shows and Playmates Toys for the reboot. Worldwide, the franchise has grossed over $6 billion in retail sales.On February 17, 2021, it was announced that three 44-minute specials based on the series would premiere in April 2021: titled Ben 10,010, Ben Gen 10 and Alien X-Tinction, serving as the series finale to the reboot and a crossover between the first five television series in the franchise.The series begins five years after the summer vacation when Ben first discovered the Omnitrix. Ben has removed the Omnitrix and returned to living a normal life, but he is forced to use it again to save his grandfather Max, who has been abducted by a xenophobic alien species called the Highbreeds as part of a plot to rid the Earth of human beings. Ben’s age causes the Omnitrix to reboot, granting him access to new aliens along with a few from the original series. Ben is joined by Gwen and former enemy Kevin Levin as they fight the Highbreed’s universal extermination plan.
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