One does not have to perform a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out which classic single-location thrillers are receiving the homage treatment in Assault on VA-33. The most obvious one is right there in the title, but one may simply watch this movie and grow nostalgic for what made 1976’s Assault on Precinct 13 the unnerving masterpiece it was (and what the pretty effective 2005 remake was able to accomplish, too). That film was about a police precinct being overrun by domestic terrorists, and here we have the same concept, except that the action is mostly set in and around a veterans’ hospital.Assault on VA-33 2021 Movie Download.
The other thriller being referenced here is, of course, Die Hard, in that a beefy, capable guy who happens to be present for the incident picks off the villain’s henchmen one by one. On second thought, watching or revisiting any one of those three movies is a more productive use of time than this one, which was written by Scott Thomas Reynolds and directed by Christopher Ray. This film offers only pedestrian staging, some half-hearted fight choreography and a hilariously upbeat and patriotic music score whose composer must have been watching a different movie entirely.
Jason Hall (Sean Patrick Flanery, looking remarkably like 1990s-era Mickey Rourke but containing a quarter of the charisma) is himself a veteran who has arrived at this particular hospital with his daughter in tow to each lunch with his wife Jennifer (Gina Holden). She is a counselor at the hospital, where Jason also receives treatment for his posttraumatic stress disorder, but at the last moment, one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Military, General Welch (Gerald Webb), arrives for a session meant to remain top-secret. Word clearly got out, though, since Rabikov (Weston Cage Coppola, adopting a vaguely Eastern European or Russian dialect that renders much of his dialogue incoherent) and his henchmen arrive, under the disguise of elevator repairmen, to kill Welch.